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 Giving Tuesday started as a day for anyone, anywhere to give, and it’s grown into the biggest giving movement in the world!  On the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, people everywhere turn to the organizations in their community and donate generously to help their neighbors. When we care for each other, our communities become a better place for all of us.



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Why Courageous Connections?

Courageous Connections in Marysville offers its clients the incredible experience of building an emotional connection with a special horse. The size, power, and gentleness of our therapy horses build a bridge to healing and well-being for our clients – members of our community who have dealt with trauma and disability.

How does your donation help?


  • Providing scholarships for those who otherwise may be left behind.

  • Providing for operational costs so we can employ the very best Equine Specialists and Mental Health Providers.

  • Providing for the care of our two newly leased miniature horses; Ode & Delilah.


Together your dollars maintain our growing program and allow us to care for our wonderful horses and provide service to a greater number of people.  


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Ode & Delilah really want Sue to share the carrots she's 'hiding'!​​

  • You’ll help grow our followers

  • You can then like, comment and share which helps with efforts to be of service to more people

  • Oh! Did You Say GIVE-AWAYS? That’s right we’ll be hosting a couple of giveaways during Giving Tuesday


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